Thursday, January 20, 2011

next up...

Since I've been able to resist joining any new flickr swaps (and there are some REALLY good ones going on right now!), I'm rewarding myself by starting work on a big quilt for our family. I pulled my favorite fabrics-- the ones I've been hoarding, like mono pez and Uptown-- and cut them into 5.5 inch squares. I plan to add a few other prints, linen, and shot cottons to this current mix too.

I originally thought I'd do something with half sqaure triangles. But I think a very simple patchwork quilt is what I want the most. Who knows what will happen once I start sewing things together?

It feels good to create again, and even better to be creating things for my family. I've read from a lot of bloggers in the past few weeks that their focus for the year will also be on sewing for their own homes and family. What about you? What kinds of projects are you working on?


Unknown said...

you have some really nice fabric there!!

(i'm still on family placemats...)

Amy Friend said...

Those are pretty little stacks! I look forward to seeing your quilt. I too have held back from the swaps (except the PP which I have to do and am almost done with) so it is back to my yellow and grey quilt for me! I have T's bday party coming up in a week though. I need to give that some thought!

Pootle said...

Im working on about 10 things at the moment none of which are finished. I havent yet ventured into the world of quilting as still reading a book about it before I attempt it. Hope you dont mind me asking but whats a flickr swap? Im on flickr but never heard of this. x x

Poppyprint said...

Oh yes, sew up all those squares of gorgeous fabric for your family!