Friday, October 7, 2011

disappearing comments

Have you been having a hard time posting comments on blogger? I've been so frustrated, as my comments have been disappearing when I try to submit them on some of my favorite blogs. This may be the "duh" answer, but if you are using Internet Explorer or Firefox, just go to your privacy settings and set them to accept third-party cookies. Problem solved. I wish I had figured this out a week ago. I'm not very tech savvy.

this photo has nothing to do with this post-- these are just some echino patchwork pillows I made for the girls' room recently
If you chose to click on this boring, boring post, I'm going to reward you. See my follower box on the sidebar? I finally reached 400 followers today! To celebrate, I'm going to give away a little something this weekend. Stay tuned for the post. It will be open for just 24 hours and a one-comment-per-person kind of thing, with one exception. Comment here with your favorite trick to making your house feel cozy in the fall/winter months. That will get you another entry into this weekend's giveaway!

Have a good one! Off we go for some Friday night pizza...


  1. My house is always cold (my husband likes it that way) but I light a vanilla candle and it makes me feel cozy!

  2. Thanks for the comment tip!

    Anyhow - for coziness - FLANNEL SHEETS! I am so happy to be in flannel sheet season again!

  3. My favorite thing to do is to bake some bread; baking of all kinds is great in the winter to heat up the house.

  4. I have a gas fireplace but there's a metal tub of firewood in front of it and I light a "fireside"-scented candle. It really feels and smells so warm & cozy!

  5. For me cozy is more about smell than anything else, so I'm with Anne. I bake. Right now there is a pumpkin roasting in my oven for a b'day cake for husband tomorrow and pie for Thanksgiving on Sunday. YUM! Sparking up the fireplace is a given for maximum coze factor, of course.

  6. We break out quilts and cozy slippers :)

  7. I love our fireplace! We have a heatalator that uses the fireplace heat throughout the house instead of our furnace. It was wonderful for the blizzard last year.

  8. Having a fire going and baking pies, yum!! Congrats on your blog.

  9. We have a nice fireplace in our livingroom that we use exclusively to heat our home in the fall/winter. It's the best!!

  10. Well, I did what you said about the 3rd party cookies and it looks like it's working, because I'm pretty sure your blog is one I haven't been able to comment on recently. What a pain!
    Cozy, cozy????? No idea! No need for warm & cozy in Hawaii. Our windows are open & ceiling fans on probably 355/days a year. On the few "chilly" days, it's sock for me

  11. Eating soups and homemade bread is my favorite way to feel cozy when it gets cold.

  12. +1 for flannel sheets - that is the best thing for feeling warm and toasty!

  13. Baking, and jersey sheets on the bed. Of course, you never want to get out of bed...but sooner or later you do!
    Congrats on all the followers!

  14. I love to lay out quilts in a pile on top of our subwoofer and a fall colored crocheted blanket over the back of our chair. To me it creates a place to easily cuddle up for a movie or a book.

  15. So glad you figured out your comment troubles Krista. Best trick... um caulking around our very old windows that let lots of coldness in. Not so cute, but effective. And congrats on 400 followers, can't wait to see what the giveaway is... what a tricky way to see who is really reading :)

  16. Candles...definitely candles! amy @

  17. thanks for the tip--i've been having blogger trouble for days now!

    In the winter I burn candles and not just a couple but LOTs of warm and cozy :)

  18. Cinnamon candles. I just love the yummy smell!

  19. putting some throw pillows in nice fall colours all over the place. : )

  20. I like to layer on the blankets to go to sleep. Thank goodness I started quilting!

  21. I like to add extra layers of bedding. Good thing I started quilting!

  22. I used to live in northern New York and fall and winter were so cold, we didn't have a fireplace either. My favorite thing to make the house feel cozy was to make hot tea, have fuzzy slippers, and wear my fluffy robe, even over my clothes in the evening!

  23. Woolie slippers and hot chocolate!

  24. I love to burn a candle with an apple or pumpkin scent

  25. We keep our place around 60-62 in the winter so it is chilly, but having two large dogs and lots of quilts helps keep things cozy. In fact, sometimes it's too hot! It also helps that we like to have a cocktail after work and I like to bake so the oven is often on.

  26. Cozy= pumpkin pie in the oven and hot coffee on the stove.

  27. For coziness in winter in our room, I'm all for flannel sheets and a heated mattress pad. It is so much better to have the bed warm from below instead of over you. In my living room it is all about the fireplace.

  28. I break out the big thick wool socks. Here in Houston, that is a big moment! It means the tile floors are actually cold ;)!

    *Thanks for the tip about blogger, my friends have been asking!*

  29. I like to leave bits of quilting projects in every room. It is very cozy! :) Really we are the bundle up and use a quilt on the sofa kind of people!

  30. I was having all kinds of issues with blogger, using IE or Firefox,so I switched to Chrome! So far no problems. I love having the fireplace going and candles lit - they give a nice warm glow, and then have a nice snuggely quilt or two around and the bad weather just disappears!

  31. Cozy quilts, and apple cinnamon candles make our home feel warm.

  32. I have a delicious pear and cinammon scented candle that I love to light in winter, it makes the room feel so cozy. I love quilts folded up on the arms of the chairs and sofa too, ready to be snuggled under.

  33. To make the house feel cosy I get out a woolly blankie and put that over our sofa. I also light a fire and make sure that our cat has lots of nice, warm spots to lie in. After all, a cat makes a house a home ;-)

  34. hot chocolate! Lots of hot chocolate.

  35. thanks for the tip krista, because yes, my comments have been last one did about your sweet sleeping bags (thank goodness for flickr). cozy house? well now that i have my own house, i bump up the heat...but at my dads house, i used those door snakes in front of doors, and we opened windows and laid towels at the bottom to try and stop some of the air creaking thru...thankfully he just got all new windows!!$! im rambling, but just thought that i need to hang some Autumn/halloween bunting and change the quilt on the wall! ok, need to figure out where settings are in explorer.....

  36. ok, i just thought of a proper answer...we bust out a puzzle on the window bench in the family that is a little too challenging for us so that it's there to work on during the day...

  37. I'm so glad you fixed the comment problem because I love hearing from you.
    As for keeping the house cozy...we have to take that quite literally in our old house and it has involved ripping out walls, adding insulation, new windows, radiant floor heat, etc. But that's probably not what you mean. I guess I bake a lot, drink tea, and wear slippers.

  38. Logs logs logs and more logs - log fire in front of the tv, glass of wine and a quilt on my knee. Life doesn't get much better than that.

  39. Cozy house. Hmm. I think candles always help with their soft light - next best thing to an actual fire!

  40. Cozy is lots of the things that have been mentioned...a fire, hot chocolate, fuzzy slippers, and the smell of cookies baking, or soup simmering on the stove!
    And we need gets cold here in the Canadian prairies!

  41. Baking! Yesterday I baked a pumpkin pie just for the smell (ok, not JUST for the smell). :)

  42. giveaways are fun!!! i think i bake to make things cozy here.

  43. We get out the flannel sheets and the breadmaker. Having bread baking makes the house feel warm and cozy. And it's yummy with soup!

  44. Sheepskin slippers make me feel toasty. A duvet and a quilt on the bed makes me so cosy I hate to get out. WAit, it's the weekend, I can stay longer!

  45. I have been having the exact same problem--thank you for this post--not at all boring. Julierose

  46. Bake, Bake, Bake, Bake, Bake feel cozy in the winter

  47. My favorite thing to do is to fill a pot with water, orange peel, cinnamon sticks and either poultry seasoning or whatever yummy spices I have nearby and leave it simmering all day on the stove. The house smells so yummy and cozy, it actually makes me fell cozy too.

    Congrats on 400 followers!!

  48. I bake. The oven on makes things seem warmer and the good smell always makes us feel great too.

  49. Decorate with quilts of course and bake cookies.

  50. Well... we live in Florida and since it's usually quite warm here...always... I do the opposite of making it cozy and ask my husband if we can turn the air down to simulate chilly nights! Haha.


  51. Slow cooking delish smelling food so that it permeates the house with good aromas, quilts to snuggle in and (as this is the UK) heating my house to Canadian standards not English standards. They are much more inclined to cool here than I am!!

  52. I love to feel cozy by breaking out the hot water bottles... one for my toes and the other to cuddle. Delish!

  53. I like getting out my thick, heavy quilt! :)

  54. getting out the down comforter. it makes me happy!

  55. Cranking the heat?? :) Seriously, though, one of my favorite things is the pine scented candle made by Thymes. It is so realistic smelling and cozy and always cheers me up!

  56. Seems in the winter clutter moves in. So the best way to cozy up is first to sort and clean, put on a great movie and snuggle on the couch with a warm quilt, coffee and crochet hook!
