Monday, October 8, 2012


The Kids Clothes Week Challenge (kcwc) is going on over at Elsie Marley again. For those of you unfamiliar with kcwc, it encourages us to sew things for our kids for just an hour a day. Now, I really suck at sewing clothing. I hate cutting pattern pieces. I hate worrying about whether the kids will even wear what I make. But I really do want to be a better garment sewer and be able to make them things. So this time around, I decided I'd at least try to make each of the kids a pair of pajama pants.

First up, Cooper.

We have pants! #kcwc

I found the Star Wars fabric at JoAnn Fabrics this morning. I am not a novelty fabric kind of person, but Cooper sure loves Darth Vader and lightsabers! I couldn't leave it behind. The pattern is from the book Sewing for Boys.


Besides immediately screwing up by sewing the two pant leg pieces together into one big leg, these came together fairly quickly. I was able to use my serger for the seams, which totally rocked!

And he likes them

And Cooper likes them! He even wore them to bed tonight. I'd call that a kcwc day #1 success.


  1. your little one is a cutie! cute pants too! :)

  2. Woo hoo! Success! I see you make pants long so they last--I do the same thing!

  3. Way to go krista
    I haven't sewed in over a week!!!
    I'm gonna get this book at the library and try a pair for hugo

  4. Oh my gosh he is adorable! Congrats on the pj pants, they look great.

  5. So cute. My husband wants me to make him a pair in the same fabric. :)

  6. Cute pants. He's such a cutie!!!!
