Thursday, March 22, 2012

the original hot and cold

I mentioned when I was making my Hot and Cold quilt that it was inspired by part of another quilt top I had made. Here it is:

another rainbow quilt

another rainbow quilt

another rainbow quilt

It never felt quite right to me, so I'm glad I moved on and decided to make something different. But I thought I should also at least document it. I'll get around to quilting it later on, when I have less things on my plate.

I'm about 2/3 of the way done sewing up my Oakshott diamonds quilt blocks that I should be able to share with you very soon, but my real priority is late bee blocks. And soon-to-be-late bee blocks. Back to it.


  1. I love it! The peeping flowers and writing!

  2. I love it! The peeping flowers and writing!

  3. i love how the colors curve together. looks great krista!

  4. your quilt is jaw-dropping! The emotional response it triggers in me is what creativity is all about--I'm inspired!!

  5. Sometimes what we are making just doesn't hit the right chord, but this one seems to speak to others. Maybe it just wasn't exactly what you were shooting for at the time. It's nice that this one inspired something else for you.

  6. beautiful.

    just beautiful.

    You have a such a unique style...

  7. Oh my gosh I love this. I really really love this!!!!
