Tuesday, November 8, 2011

a pomegranate block for Annabel

pomegranate block

This was made for Annabel, whose theme last month was "orchards." This block design gave me so much trouble. First I tried to piece the background and inset the pomegranates. Then I tried to draft up my own paper piecing pattern. Both attempts were epic fails. It was depressing, to tell you the truth. I am a terrible, terrible paper piecer. Applique to the rescue!

pomegranate block- detail

Now you really must check out the other incredible blocks in the Cocorico Bee. Really, please do. You'll be blown away!


  1. i love it krista. i think it is great! i laughed at your epic fail pics on flickr.

  2. Honestly, I think that your second attempt was very close. I don't think it was such a fail at all. I get to that same point frequently when I try to paper piece my own designs....you should have seen your skier in limbo! But your solution is great as well. I really like the fabrics and the stitching. It's wonderful...and DONE! Now you can stop stressing about it :)

  3. Well done. Way to stick with the plan!! I love pomegranates.

  4. lovely block!

    Gorgeous colours/fabric.

  5. I think this is amazing! It looks like a work of art! Beautiful!

  6. That is very cool! Appliqué is beautiful!

  7. the applique looks so great. i love the border fabric

  8. This looks fantastic! You have great applique skillz. :)

  9. This is absolutely gorgeous! pomegranates are very popular over here.
