Monday, October 24, 2011

vacation recap

I'm still recovering from our long flight home from our vacation on Friday. Bring on the coffee!

It can be somewhat isolating living here in Alaska. While much of our family lives here, a lot of our extended family lives in the lower 48. I feel really lucky that we were finally able to put together a trip to see some of them. First we visited with Rob's grandmother, aunt (Hi Pat!), and cousins in Arkansas:

barn activity

Claire on Boomer
Avery on Boomer

Jacob jumping

Claire on Boomer

riding Boomer

Then we drove down to Tyler, Texas to spend a few days with my grandparents (who I hadn't seen since Avery was just 6 weeks old):

Claire's Birthday

Grandma and Claire

family photo

crown of thorns quilt

kitchen island
My grandma makes Martha Stewart look like an amateur. Her entire home features beatiful things she's made, like this kitchen island decorated with print blocks she saved from her father's shop.

at the Tyler Zoo
We had some much-needed family time together. But now we're glad to be home. One of the best parts of getting back was opening the mail that was waiting! I've got a couple of super cool things to share later once I get my camera battery charged up!


  1. i screamed a little when i saw that giant spider! holy crap i would die! i am glad you lived through the experience!

  2. That kitchen island is something else--super fantastic use of vintage type.

  3. So funny! I love Tyler, my great aunt and uncle used to :( live there, too.

  4. what a fun trip. I just love little kids on horses. Makes me want to get a pony for the backyard or something.

    (and that kitchen island is so cool!)

  5. welcome home, looks like you guys had a super time!

    (and don't you look like your grandma... gorgeous!)

    Love that quilt. DO NOT love that spider. Geeshh.

  6. That spider caused a full-body shudder over here. Ugh. But great photos otherwise! I want to live at your grandma's.

  7. Love the cake. Sounds like you had a great time. I hear ya on being home though.

  8. this was great until i found the picture of the tarantula. so glad you had great family time.

  9. see i was so undone by that spider that i forgot to say HOLY COW about your grandmothers island. that is amazing
