Monday, September 26, 2011

scenes from the weekend

We're having amazing fall weather. Despite the cool temps (we were in the 20s this morning), we managed to have a lot of fun this weekend.

First, Avery and Claire ran a race. They did the school's cross country running program and did great. I'm so proud of them!

Then we were off to the cabin, where we spent a couple of days building a deck and spending some much-needed family time.

I'm in total disbelief that October is just a few days away. It's going to be a crazy month, so I'm making sure to get all of my bee blocks taken care of early.

First, my September block for do. Good Stitches. Natalie asked for a 6.5 x 48" block in gold, red, or plum with any piecing. I used my GO! baby and the tumbler die. Super easy!

Melanie requested two Trip Around the World blocks. She directed us to this tutorial and they came together quickly.

What's in store for your week? Is it fall where you're at?


  1. I am feeling the same way, that October is going to be way too busy. We have Lily's bday and Halloween within a couple of days of eachother, along with other obligations. I am working on an Oct. bee block tonight so I can feel like I am getting somewhere, and no, not the Cocorico one, I am intimidated by my plan for that one at the moment!
    Your kids all look healthy and adorable and your blocks make me smile!

  2. Lucky with the weather! You and your family are sounding so productive. Look at your baby becoming a big boy - I can't believe how he's grown. I 'met' you just after he was born, I think. It's so great that the girls like cross country. They are the best races when you're young!

  3. congrats to your girls!!! 20's in the am sounds wonderful. We thought that we were getting fall finally but then the last few days have been hot and humid again. it is the humid part that kills me. i love the around the world pretty.

  4. wow, I'm loving your gold strip. And your little man is killing me with cuteness.

  5. It is fall here, although we are in the grip of the cold, rainy fall season and not the sunny, brisk fall weather. Saturday was lovely and we got to bike in the woods, but it's been raining ever since.

  6. It's just starting to be the beginning of "not summer" here in centex... Maybe soon it will be cool enough to actually spend time outside! Until then, those around the world blocks are amazing! I might have to give them a whirl.

  7. Aw, what a cute one-eyed monkey!

  8. It's been so nice in Seattle. Just dropped friend from Haines at airport and he was delighted with the weather here.

    Biking in our future today.

  9. The weather has been amazing here too and we're loving it!!

    Love the blocks. You're so productive all the time!!
