Tuesday, July 27, 2010

and we're back

We had an awesome time in Seattle! It was full of relaxation, sunshine, good food, baseball, and a lot of family time.

I finished all of the hand-stitching on my doll quilt. Binding goes on tonight!

Cooper hit the 7-month mark while we were gone. Time continues to fly by! He's right at 20.5 pounds. He loves to sit up to play and can roll as far as we'll let him, but luckily he's not even close to crawling. He still wakes up all night long, but is a great napper. Cooper seems to test out new skills every couple of weeks and then drop them when he's finished-- these have included the head shake, a wheezy laugh, and the "I'm so cute" flop to one side. A new one that's popped up is the angry scrunch face. That boy is developing a temper! He loves to eat. Just in the last few days he's been able to actually put cereal puffs in his mouth instead of just smearing them across the high chair.

The dogs have figured out his finger foods too. Which makes meal times just a bit less peaceful.

We've got just a few weeks left of summer (if you can call it that after the never ending rain we've had) before school starts back up. I'm going to soak up as much time with the kids as I can until then! And of course there's so much other stuff to do.

Better get back to it!


  1. I'm glad your back safely and seem to have enjoyed your trip. Penny does the same thing. She comes up with a "thing" and then drops it a few weeks later and comes up with another. Funny. Enjoy the last few weeks with the girls home!

  2. sounds like you had a super trip!!! love these pictures

  3. I am glad that you all had a great time:)

    I watched bits of the games over the weekend hoping to catch a glimpse of my favorite Red Sox fans...

    Miss you-

  4. I'm sure you've answered this before, but I'm new to your blog! I LOVE these pictures -- what kind of camera/phone/app were they taken with?! I adore your blog and am now off to stalk your Flickr some more :]
